Lex Luger and the Failed Lex Express Experiment | The Pro Wrestling Stories Podcast

The latest episode of the Pro Wrestling Stories Podcast focuses on Lex Luger and the Failed Lex Express Experiment throughout the summer of 1993.

Lex Luger, in theory, had it all: an incredible look, an evil foreign monster to defeat, and, most importantly, Vince McMahon pulling out all the stops to get his hand-picked successor to The Immortal Hulk Hogan over as the new hero.

With Lex being set up for success, how did it all go wrong?

Listen to the full episode below!

Chris Toplack

Chris is the Senior Training Consultant at SkyHive by Cornerstone and founded The Signature Spot. With over a decade of experience in SaaS and media, he combines program management with expertise as a voice-over artist to design effective training programs and engaging content.


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